John Hilliard often uses materials such as glass, transparent medium (Reflective mirror) to overlaid images in a way to lead to spectators to travel an imaginary space. Spectators were able to track down the fantasy scene that it conceals.
From the photographs below, you can see how he tries to use different shots (Arrange in diptychs/triptychs) to open a space of transformation.
1. Plundered/Dug/ Prepared/Dry 1975
John Hilliard work's address that one place that occur many possibility of events. When i first see this work, I will quickly combine all the scene together and what has happened before. Despite that, it somehow make me aware the empty areas and leads me think what could happen as well. I personally think it is quite an unique way to narrate a story.
2. Having Arrived, 1974
This work is similar to the previous one, the only different is it uses triangular shapes.
3. Through The Valley, 1972
This work has transformed from the previous two works. This has literally show you all the possibilities of events that could happen in one space.
4. Prey 1991
This photograph has used reflection from the glass to create a story. From this, you can understand a man is kidnapped by the cat woman. This photograph is full of ironic since cat always eat fish. The man wears orange color symbolizes the color of the golden fish while the woman is wearing the cat mask.